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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-16

Ultrafast electron and spin dynamics in metallic thin films and confined structures


Ultra fast electron and spin dynamics in metallic structures of reduced dimensionality (ferromagnetic thin films and quantum well structures) will be studied by two-photon-photoemission (2PPE) spectroscopy with time-, energy-, angle-, and spin-resolution. We expect to obtain fundamental information on the electron and spin dynamics on an ultra fast time scale where the electronic system is far from equilibrium, which will lead to better understanding of the elementary mechanisms needed for the potential magneto-optical applications of ferromagnetic materials. We will study with spin resolution the ultra fast electron and spin dynamics on Ni/Cu/Si(l 11) films, aiming to answer questions and debates aroused by recent research results in this currently intensively active area. We also plan to investigate the effect of quantum well (QW) formation on the ultra fast electron dynamics by growing and performing time-resolved measurements on Pb/Si(lll)-7x7 films of various thickness, thus conducting first investigations of the effect of QW formation on the ultra fast electronic behaviour of metal/semiconductor interfaces. This project is also expected to greatly enhance the capabilities of the applicant in his scientific background knowledge and his experimental skills by training with state-of-the-art techniques in an institution with excellent infrastructure. It will thus contribute to his independence and scientific excellence and thus enhance his competitiveness for his future career. The scientific outcome will contribute to the attractiveness and competitiveness of the research area on an intra-European and international level. As such, the training will be beneficial for the society in general.

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