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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-27

Eps hep-2003


The High Energy Physics (HEP) conference of the European Physical society is the major biannual international event of this research field. With the Int. Conference on High Energy and Particle Physics of International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), held in alternating years, it is the focal place of presenting outstanding experimental and theoretical achievements of the field. European researchers are invited to the conference upon nomination of national contact persons.

Non-European (non-EPS member state) physicists can be invited by the organizing committee. The organizers encourage the participation of young pre- and postdoctoral researchers: About one third of the participants, especially from experimental groups belong to the young researcher category. To ensure their proper representation determining the scope of the meeting, the conference is divided into two parts: parallel sessions (3 days), dominated by presentations of young researchers followed by 3 days of plenary sessions. Conveners of parallel sessions and keynote speakers are selected by the International Organizing Committee, which coincides with the HEPP Committee of EPS.

The Committee is advised by an International Advisory Committee composed of all directors of the major high-energy laboratories in the world, as well as leading theoreticians. The Conference also provides the forum for the award of several prizes. First of all the prestigious High Energy Physic Prize of the EPS will be given to scientists who made a fundamental contribution to the field. Furthermore two prizes especially four young researchers have been created, and successful work in transmitting scientific results to the public is honoured by an outreach prize.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

SC - High Level Scientific Conference


Aportación de la UE
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Sommerfeldstrasse, 28
52062 AACHEN

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