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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Introducing Science and Art to Slovenian Youth in Citizens


"“Researchers and Scientist in the centre of the everyday life”, will be the focus of the all activities of the Researchers’ Night 2011 project.

The project is addressing different audience but most of the efforts are directed towards the teenagers’ attitude on how they look upon research and science in general. The young generation as a potential pool for future researchers and scientist will be encouraged for career in science and technology. Organized events will provide insight about the opportunities the research brings as a profession by use of popular communication tools and methods. The project is addressing both audiences, youth and adults as the later are one of the source of information for the younger generation. Activities envisaged will provide enough information about the chance and challenge with the opportunities and fascinations that science brings, and the economic benefits such as growth, employment and environment protection. Investing in research will be also presented along the mutual fertilization of creative thinking in art, science and technology. The key to success of the project will be ""communication"" by use of technology, between people, art and science.

Communication will be used to change the stereotypes about professions; researcher is not an individual, detached from real life, working lonely in laboratories, surrounded by complicated technology. The project will bring the researchers, their work and life closer to the general public by games, expositions, shows, installations, in a festive, vibrant manner, connecting natural and social sciences with art and fun. The atmosphere will be friendly by use of easily understandable communication methods suitable for various type of audience.

At the main event a “European corners” will inform on programs EU for research and science. The preceding awareness campaign about the Researcher's night will comprise the public tender for posters and photo exhibition with final award delivery."

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

CSA-SA - Support actions


Contribution de l’UE
€ 50 157,10
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana

Voir sur la carte

Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija Osrednjeslovenska
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Contact administratif
Jadran Lenarčič (Prof.)
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (1)