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Content archived on 2024-05-21

Environmentally complying plastic components moulding and surface treatment technologies (CLEANPLAST)


For the considered component (light frame Lybra) the environmental assessment of its moulding process was developed. Information obtained from this analysis was useful for all partner of the project, even if they were of particular interest for PLASTAL. In particular the assessment may take part to the general knowledge of presently used technologies and give addresses to the new proposed ones, for which it represents the comparison term. Obtained results might also be used for increasing the number of processes studied from environmental point of view. In particular, collected data and obtained results might increase database information on processes with the ones concerning GAIM (gas assisted injection moulding) impact. Such kind of processes, actually, weren�t assessed before from this point of view with a so high detail.
For the two considered recycling processes for plated plastic materials, environmental and economic assessments were developed. The aim of this study was to verify performances of these processes that weren't previously evaluated, in particular the ones proposed by CDCMP, the cryogenic recycling process, that is now only on a pre-competitive level of development. Information obtained from this analysis was useful for all partners, even if they were of particular interest for CDCMP, PLASTAL and UNITS. For the first one, results might validate the study and give an address to its following development. For the second one, the assessment might take part to the general knowledge of technologies for project and exploitation purposes. For the last one, it might support the development of the following evaluation phases. Obtained results might also be used for increasing the number of processes studied from environmental, particularly from LCA point of view. Collected data and obtained results could increase database information on processes with the ones concerning impacts of these innovative recycling activities. Such kind of process, actually, weren�t assessed before from this point of view. Economic evaluation was also important to evaluate impacts of new processes on recycled material cost.
For the considered component (blende Catera console) the environmental assessment of moulding process was developed. Information obtained from this analysis was useful for all partner of the project, even if they were of particular interest for PLASTAL. In particular the assessment may take part to the general knowledge of presently used technologies and give addresses to the new proposed ones, for which it represent the comparison term. Obtained results might also be used for increasing the number of processes studied from environmental point of view. In particular, collected data and obtained results might increase database information on processes with the ones concerning impacts of GAIM (gas assisted injection moulding) process. Such kind of processes, actually, weren�t assessed before from this point of view with a so high detail.
At the very beginning of the task it aroused the need to know how to represent through out numerical values, function and laws the complete process reality. The complexity of polymer behaviour and the high number of variables in the moulding processes required a complete knowledge of the real set up of moulding machineries and on the other hand a deep modelling experience. The weight of the modelling is one of the most important factors in reliability of simulation and optimisation methods. The main result was to traduce in numerical form injection moulding output such as screen snapshot at the end of filling or variables diagrams during the simulation. End-user of this result could be every company involved in plastic manufacturing that uses numerical analysers for injection moulding processes
The definition and the tuning of a new methodology based on virtual design for achieving the TTM and costs reduction is the main result for the Carcerano S.r.l. The development of the project involving new technologies and appropriate software and hardware, together with the advanced design techniques, give the possibility to reach this aim. Carcerano S.r.l. is developing the new methodology and has already begun to apply it to the products were considered in CLEAN PLAST project. The virtual prototyping approach allows very detailed verification activities reaching high quality level standards for the new products, with lower development cost, due to the saving of money and time avoiding building physical prototype. By the use and the development of virtual prototype, Carcerano S.r.l. has reached a very high realistic perception feeling in the simulation and visualisation of objects, without making any physical prototype. Besides, using the virtual prototype is possible to detect project errors or ergonomic problems before starting with the equipment production, avoiding committing errors on tools. The aim of Virtual Design as project methodology, is the optimization of the complete development of a new project regarding a new plastic material product of industrial design. This system permits: - Reducing the time for defining the style thanks to the opportunity of visualizing the ''object'', reproduced very similarly to reality. -To reduce the length of the realization process and as a consequence the development costs, comparing to traditional procedures, which at present need expensive experimental activities using the traditional physical prototyping while, with virtual design, is possible to realize in ''real time'' the study of kinematics mechanisms, assembling phases and installation, interferences analysis, minimum distances checks. To obtain an increase of the project quality level, thanks to the opportunity offered by the system to represent faithfully and adequately the reality, to foresee problems, nowadays faced only during experimental prototyping phases. The total informatisation of the project where the analysis and the information coming from every process step are immediately available as input data for the other phases, generating a permanent control feedback on project data.
For different coating processes important for the project, the environmental and economic assessment was carried out in order to verify performances of the e-coating process, improved and tuned during the project, with respect to the other coating processes available for the automotive sector. Results of this analysis were useful for all partners, even if they were of particular interest for DUPONT, for PLASTAL and also for UNITS. In the first case, actually, results validated, also from these two points of views, the work carried out and add another element to support its goodness. In the second case, instead, they might take part to the general knowledge of new proposed technologies. In the third case, at the end, results could support the development of the following evaluation phases. Obtained results might also be used to increase the number of processes studied from environmental, particularly from LCA, point of view. In particular, collected data and obtained results might increase database information on process with the ones concerning impacts of coating systems. Economic evaluation was also important to evaluate impacts of new processes on component costs.
Environmental comparison between different production cycles of the selected component were considered to develop the second part of the integrated evaluation of all new technologies not only taking into consideration them separately, but also together with the consideration of a real application. The chosen component was also in this case the BMV TRIM and, in particular in this third section, comparison involved molded, plated and coated components. Information obtained from such analysis was useful for all partners of the project, even if they were of particular interest for PLASTAL, for CROMOPLASTICA and for UNITS. In the first two cases, actually, the assessment might take part to the general knowledge of technologies and for the comparison between presently used and new proposed technologies. This fact is very important for a partner directly involved on component production and not only on raw materials development and supplying. In the third case, instead, the activity represented an important test for the integrated assessment of technologies. Obtained results might also be used as point of reference for other LCA studies to compare different production systems.
Characterization of the bulk and surface properties of blends of polypyrrole-coated mica particles (polypyrrole content: 20% w/w) and ABS (filler content: 5, 10, 15 and 25% w/w), provided by Bayer AG. No evidence of chemical interaction between conductive filler particles and ABS matrix. No effect on the surface properties of the blends. Determination of the conductivity of the samples. Conductive filler particles are not interconnected (optical microscopy) as a consequence the percolation threshold is not attained and the samples are non-conductive.
Numerical formulation of the moulding analysis provides the information for a successful coupling between different software. The meaning of software coupling is to launch moulding analysis by automatic manner so as to fit all design with extensive simulations. Therefore is necessary to find the position of every process input and output variable within the amount of information stored in every single moulding simulation. The complete integration succeeded.
To give an address to the developing researches and to analyse trends on environmental policies, a research on European legislation on environmental topics and on its trends on the push of public opinion was developed. This research was addressed to all partners, end users of its results. It considered, actually, aspects related to granting of production permits, to material dangerousness, to limit values definition of pollutant emissions both in air and in water, to waste management and its disposal. Using its results, partners had the opportunity of detecting if the new processes could meet these important requirements, with a lower environmental impact, and could participate to improve general environmental quality.
The carried-out activity allowed studying and building new frames for chromium plating with different frames from small to bumper frames. The problem is to avoid burns between plastics and electric pliers. The target is to increase quality-and process reliability. Starting from the reached results the adhesion is improved as well as a process, which is more environmental friendly because it avoids the use of chemical nickel with ammonia. The first chromium-plated samples together with Atotech products seem to be in line with the expected results. The samples obtained will be useful in defining the pilot equipment. Till now the adhesion has increased versus a traditional chromium-plating process.
During the first year of the project we developed an UV curable electrodeposition coat, which we have optimized through various stages of development. The final prototype system exhibits the following properties, as described in detail above: - The e-coat dispersions are perfectly stable and show nearly no sedimentation after several weeks of storage. The sedimentation behaviour has been systematically studied by using a static (sieving) and dynamic (LUMiFuge) method. - The coating layers are resistant against solvents like acetone or xylene, due to an improved crosslinking density of the UV-cured film. This is jointly being investigated with the University of Mulhouse. We installed electrodeposition equipment at University of Mulhouse, so they are able to coat chromium-plated samples themselves and investigate the curing kinetics with reflective IR methods. Additionally experiments using time-resolved thermal analysis are prepared at CDCMP. - The optical appearance and levelling of the coatings is very good. Gloss values of less than 70 can be reached. Together with the University of Barcelona viscoelastic measurements have been performed in order to be correlated with optical properties like gloss and leveling. - In order to achieve a sufficient adhesion on the chromium-plated substrates, various pre-treating methods have been checked. Good results have been obtained by using atmospheric plasma or a fluorine pre-treatment. Both processes lead to a cross cut rating of GT0. - Basically v w and other car maker requirements were used in test routine.
The environmental assessment of e-coat paint was carried out in comparison with other paints generally used into the automotive sector. The aim of such activity was to verify performances of developed paint with respect to the other ones available.
For the considered component (blende Catera console) the environmental assessment of its specific coating process was developed. Information obtained from this analysis was useful for all partner of the project, even if they were of particular interest for PLASTAL. In particular the assessment may take part to the general knowledge of presently used technologies and give addresses to the new proposed ones, for which it represent the comparison term. Obtained results might also be used for increasing the number of processes studied from environmental point of view. In particular, collected data and obtained results might increase database information on processes with the ones concerning environmental impacts of coating processes. Such kind of processes, actually, weren�t assessed before, on available sources, with a so high detail.
For the considered component (BMV TRIM), the environmental and economic assessments of moulding processes were developed. Such evaluation couldn't be separated from features of the specific component because of the direct link between component geometry/thickness and moulding process running parameters/energy consumptions. Information obtained from this analysis was useful for all partners of the project, even if they were of particular interest for PLASTAL. For this partner, actually, the evaluation process allowed to improve the knowledge on new considered technologies in comparison with presently used ones. This fact could allow also a better selection of moulding technologies not only from technical point of view, but also from environmental point of view. Obtained results might also be used to increase the number of processes studied from environmental, in particular from LCA, point of views. In particular, collected data and obtained results might increase database information on processes with the ones concerning impacts of GAIM and bi-injection processes. Such kind of processes, actually, weren�t assessed before from this point of view.
Characterization of the bulk and surface properties of ABS substrates coated with in-situ prepared polythiophene; samples provided by Bayer AG. Study of the coating/substrate adhesion, conductivity assessment. Conversely to the previously studied samples (see result 2), the conductive polymer does not contain water. Coating topography and phase organization: - Association of spherical aggregates. - High adhesive strength of conductive polymer layer onto ABS substrate without heating treatment (no detrimental effect of water). - High conductivity of the samples.
The direct metallisation process eliminates the need of ammonia, use less steps and therefore creates less exhaust waters that need less treatment. The process is now stable and has a big potential, limited by the relative smaller range of plastic materials that can be treated and by the high cost of Palladium, a basic ingredient of the process. In the last period we investigate a great number of plastic types (ABS and ABS-PC) defining the property to be directly metallised. We drew a list presented in various meeting finalized to support Cromoplastica and, in future, to realize a know-how for other ABS/ABS-PC employing sectors. A great sample number was done, cooperating with Cromoplastica also for testing materials and results.
After the selection of the best combination substrate / conductive over-injected materials, we determine the method to recycle the material after use. Our work was focused on the possibility of reusing as substrate the material obtained by milling the objects made with the over injected system. The final results were very good, the method works well, and the method could be applied to every object made with the same over-injected system
To improve substrate/conductive coating adhesion ABS samples were etched for a few minutes at 80 °C using CrO3/H2SO4/H2O. Surface characterization of the etched substrates showed the treatment to be associated with high roughness and with higher surface free energies indicating the presence of polar surface functional groups. Upon dip-coating, the resulting PEDT films contain water which can be reversibly eliminated by heating at 100 °C. ABS surfaces are totally and homogeneously covered with a PEDT film made of spherical aggregates.The high adhesion index attained without any thermal treatment is attributed to strong coating/substrate interactions resulting from both surface roughness and chemical reactivity. Water vapour still has a detrimental effect on the adhesion (adhesion index decreases to zero). Upon peeling off the coating a thin layer of conductive polymer remains on the substrate (cohesive rupture).
For different conductive blends, the environmental and economic assessment was carried out, in order to verify performances of developed blends in respect to the other conductive materials available on the market. Results of this analysis were useful for all partners, even if they were of particular interest for BAYER, PLASTAL and also for UNITS. In the first case, actually, results validated, the work carried out and demonstrate its goodness also from these two points of views. In the second case, instead, they may take part to the general knowledge of new proposed technologies. In the third case, at the end, results could support the development of the following evaluation phases foreseen into the program. Obtained results might also be used to increase the number of processes studied from environmental, particularly from LCA point of view. In particular collected data and obtained results might increase database information on materials with the ones concerning impacts of conductive plastic blends. Such elements, actually, weren�t assessed before with a so high detail from this point of view. Economic evaluation was also important to evaluate impacts of new materials on component costs.
The methodology was ready to be applied to real cases such as BLENDE CATERA and FARO LYBRA 832, but gas assisted injection moulding solver requires a thin mesh modelling, therefore had been necessary re-model the geometry (CAD-CAE integration). Thin mesh modelling allowed realistic results only for FARO LYBRA 832. We selected BAYBLEND T45 MN as material to inject and we let to optimisation processes to find the best G.A.I.M. solution, including the location of injection inlet point (Gas and Polymer). Almost all variables converged in a set of optimal moulding data. The simulated results allowed skilful improvements to the moulded part. A handle system using jit (gas injection technology) of iveco was studied. End-user of this result is PLASTAL SPA.
The elimination of ammonia, from the standard process for plating on plastics, eliminates the necessity of critical and expensive water treatment systems and reduces the risks of soil and water contamination
Characterization of the bulk and surface properties of home-made PEDT-coated ABS samples obtained by dipping ABS substrates in water suspensions of PEDT (Baytron P). Strong dewetting effects due to the presence of silicone oil on the surface substrates can be overcome by cyclohexane washing. Presence of water in the PEDT film, which can be reversibly eliminated by heat treatment (100 °C). Small adhesive strength of the as-prepared coatings (presence of water), which can be reversibly improved to a 100 % adhesion index upon heat treatment. Conductivity of the samples is very low (effect due to film organization or to the absence of additives).
To check the robustness of simulation/optimisation coupling it was used a real part design even if simplified. We started with the creation of frame geometrical model similar to the BLENDE CATERA. After selected objectives to study an extensive calculation with two processors and Genetic Algorithms was carried out. Thermal distribution was solved achieving at the meantime a good balancing of the flow front. The technology took into account was traditional Injection Moulding. The second step was the set up of a simplified Gas Assisted Injection Moulding problem. We adopted as exemplar part a quadrangular surface with a C rib around the perimeter. The thin section would not be interested by gas penetration. The gas shot would be able to empty completely thick section as rib channel. A complete optimisation was held even adding overflows in the original component. Innovative solution could be considered the application of complex optimisation methods such as Evolutionary Algorithms to industrial design problems. End-user of this result could be every company involved in plastic manufacturing that uses numerical analysers for injection moulding processes.
Characterization of the bulk and surface properties of ABS (acrylonitrile : 28% w/w, butadiene : 20% w/w, styrene 52% w/w; molded at different temperatures and with different processing aids), PC/ABS samples (PC content : 25 or 60% w/w) provided by Bayer AG and polythiophene (PEDT). Use of FTIR (ATR mode: effect of processing conditions not evidenced), XPS (no effect of molding temperature, all samples polluted by silicone oil), AFM [roughness: increase with PC content; ABS morphology: polybutadiene inclusions into ABS matrix; PC/ABS morphology: depends on PC content (25%: polybutadiene and PC inclusions into ABS matrix, 60%: ABS inclusions into PC matrix)], contact angle measurements (low surface free energy due to presence of silicone oil). Obtaining of information of surface chemistry and description of structural organization of substrates. PEDT films contain water.
Characterization of the bulk and surface properties of PEDT-coated substrates. Surface chemistry: no evidence of substrate/PEDT interactions. Surface morphology and phase organization: roughness decreases as PEDT film thickness increases, topography indicates that the surface of the substrates is totally coated but in the case of PC/ABS samples possibility of preferential location of PEDT on PC or ABS domains. Conductivity (4-point technique) depends on thickness of the conductive polymer coating. PEDT/substrate adhesion: very poor (presence of water at the PEDT/substrate interface); can be irreversibly improved by heat treatment at 100 °C (elimination of water, occurrence of PEDT/substrate chemical interactions). No change of the topography of the surface of the coated samples upon heat treatment, but occurrence of some kind of structuration. At higher temperatures (150 °C), decrease of conductivity (PEDT oxidation).
At the beginning of the project, as first step, the acquirement of know-how on environmental assessment of different involved processes was acquired. This experience had to be useful for the whole project development, because of its important rule in the following environmental evaluation of old and new processes. Also a deepening phase was necessary to acquire on a correct way needed data and to structure the particular mass-energy balance at the root of the whole assessment. This experience may be applied to a great number of processes, also externally to this particular project. Actually, this methodology is the basis of any LCA or environmental assessment, which can be developed for products or processes of every production sector. For these reasons, at first, end users of this acquirement were all the other partners in the project. But this methodology had also great interest for their own University, which had the occasion of introducing and teaching to their students an innovative subject to give them a specific knowledge on this topic and to address them to a planning taking into consideration also environmental respect and not only technical aspects.
The result in moulding phase are feed back control systems mould flow analysis in order to define the behaviour of gas inside part-numbers and predict the weakness point during the moulding process. An example was carried out in order to define the process window and the minimum weight of moulded part number, the use of a statistical approach in gas injection technology is new as 2 materials (gas and polymer) were combined. To give a practical application a part number is studied and developed with the following skills: - different thickness - Increased resistance - Weight reduction avoiding metallic bars - annulling assembly operation between the metallic reinforce and plastic support - Using 2 k moulding technology we had annulled assembled operation as glue - Recycling is effective as 1:1
Environmental comparison between different production cycles of the selected component were considered to develop the integrated evaluation of all new technologies not only taking into consideration them separately, by themselves, but also together with the consideration of a real application. The chosen component was the BMV TRIM and, in particular in this first section, comparison involved molded and coated components. Information obtained from such analysis was useful for all partners of the project, even if they were of particular interest for PLASTAL SPA and for UNITS. In the first case, actually, the assessment might take part to the general knowledge of technologies and for the comparison between presently used and new proposed technologies. This fact is very important for a partner directly involved on component production and not only on raw materials development and supplying. In the second case, instead, the activity represented an important test for the integrated assessment of technologies. Obtained results might also be used as point of reference for other LCA studies to compare different production systems.

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