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Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions: Theory and Phenomenology

Final Activity Report Summary - STRONG-INTERACTIONS (Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions: Theory and Phenomenology)

The project has led to several novel results which became known worldwide. We have made important progress in our understanding of strongly interacting theories in regimes not accessible via perturbative methods. This has led us to construct new models of nature able to address in a natural way some of the long standing problems related to the origin of bright and dark matter in the universe.

We had a strong impact in 3 fields of research: Beyond Standard Model Physics, Strong Interactions and Lattice Field Theory.

Beyond Standard Model Physics: We have pioneered, developed and motivated several new classes of models for breaking the electroweak symmetry dynamically passing the precision data. These models have a concrete chance of being discovered at the Large Hadron Collider. The models are known with the name of (Ultra) Minimal Walking Models. We have proposed models able to produce natural candidates of dark matter which can decay but not annihilate. We were the first to notice that astrophysical observations can directly test the existence of an underlying grand unified scheme.

Strong Interactions: We have suggested new analytic ways to gain vital information on the phase diagram of strongly coupled theories. As an example we conjectured an all-orders beta function valid for any nonsupersymmetric gauge theory with fermionic matter.
We uncovered the phase diagram as function of number of colours, matter representation and flavours, for Sp, SO and SU gauge groups and discovered a universal structure. Currently these phase diagrams are being investigated via supercomputer simulations by several groups in the world.

In Lattice Field Theory we were the first to start investigating and observe, via first principle lattice computations, a possible large distance conformal phase in gauge theories with a small number of flavours and colours.