CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Energy-aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries


Eine doppelte Sicht auf die Fabrikanalyse

Digitale Zwillinge sind eine virtuelle Simulation realer Objekte. Eine der Haupterwartungen bei der Verwendung digitaler Zwillinge besteht darin, das Verhalten ihrer jeweiligen physischen Zwillinge beobachten und überwachen zu können. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts FACTLOG soll eine Echtzeit-Verarbeitungsschicht entwickelt werden, in der Beobachtungen, Wissen und Erfahrung zusammenwirken, um zum Verständnis des Regelverhaltens eines komplexen Systems (Kognition) beizutragen. Ziel des Projekts ist die Realisierung der kognitiven Fabrik als Ensemble unabhängiger, aber miteinander verflochtener europäischer Leistungspunktesysteme, die selbstständig lernen und Anomalien und Störungen erkennen sowie auf sie reagieren können. Das 20-köpfige Konsortium wird dabei einschlägige Kenntnisse und Innovationen einbringen und verschiedene Pipelines für maschinelles Lernen und Analysewerkzeuge organisieren.


It becomes apparent particularly in process industries that cognition can improve the behaviour of a complex process system. One of the main expectations of the use of digital twins is to give us the capability to observe and monitor the behaviour of their respective physical twins. In order to make it happen, we need to combine digital twins, which are driven by domain models (i.e. knowledge), with the models derived from data (i.e. experience). In order to realize it, we need a real-time processing layer where observations (i.e. events), knowledge and experience interoperate to understand and control the behaviour of a complex system (i.e. cognition). FACTLOG offers such a layer and aims at deploying and adjusting it to several process industries.
By incorporating different pipelines of machine learning and analytical tools at different levels (from machines to process steps and from processes to the whole production plant), FACTLOG enables the realization of the Cognitive Factory as an ensemble of independent but intertwined ECTs, that are (i) able to self-learn, and thus to effectively detect and react to anomalies and disruptions but also to opportunities that may arise, (ii) enjoy a local or global view of operations and (iii) are capable for short-, mid- and long-term reasoning and optimization.
FACTLOG is driven by several specific, yet indicative, business cases in the process industry and focuses its innovation regarding analytics, AI and optimization on the deployment and assessment of coherent Enhanced Cognitive Twins for the specific sectors represented in FACTLOG and even for the plants in which it will be pilot tested and evaluated.
It will be implemented by a just right consortium of twenty partners, five of which are manufacturers and a further three represent manufacturing clusters. Technology and scientific contributors from leading academic institute and focused ICT vendors (mostly SMEs) bring in all necessary knowledge and innovation.

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IA - Innovation action


€ 977 812,50
47822 Santarcangelo Di Romagna

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Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Rimini
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 1 396 875,00

Beteiligte (20)