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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Evidence-based market and policy instruments Implementation across EU to increase the demand for eNergy Skills across conSTRUCTion sector value chain

Descripción del proyecto

Mejorar las habilidades en materia de eficacia energética en el sector europeo de la construcción

El sector europeo de la construcción necesita lograr los objetivos de eficiencia energética para responder a los crecientes desafíos que afronta. En este contexto, existe una gran demanda de habilidades en materia de eficiencia energética. En consecuencia, el proyecto INSTRUCT, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo ofrecer un marco operativo para los empleados, a fin de mejorar sus habilidades y proporcionarles un certificado. Para ello, el proyecto facilitará el reconocimiento de las cualificaciones y habilidades en materia energética del sector de la construcción y garantizará nuevos marcos legislativos. En este proyecto participarán siete países europeos. En última instancia, INSTRUCT contribuirá a potenciar una nueva generación de trabajadores cualificados y titulados, además de allanar el camino para lograr cambios legislativos en el sector de la construcción.


The European Construction sector faces unprecedented challenges to achieve ambitious energy efficiency objectives, that can be met only if successful training initiatives and supporting policy instruments are put in place, acting as a springboard to stimulate the demand for energy efficiency skills. The INSTRUCT project aims to act at a market level by providing an operational framework and set of services serving a new generation of skilled and certified workers and fitters and paving the way to legislative changes that overall will stimulate the demand for energy skills across lifecycle and supply chains. Key outputs include: (a) quantitative and qualitative evidences that corroborate and reinforce the correlation between (i) skills and education and (ii) energy performance and quality; (b) a set of tools and instruments facilitating the mutual recognition of energy skills and qualifications in the construction sector; (c) real-world demonstrations (in 5 geographical European areas) of the usefulness and ease of use of the deployed instruments for recognition of energy skills and qualifications; (d) dissemination and awareness raising actions in consortium members countries, scaled up to the wider Europe; (e) new legislative frameworks enabling reliance on skilled workers in public / private procurement. The Consortium draws on (a) the engagement of internationally leading industry best practice and vocational training, (b) the educational excellence of leading institutions in Europe, (c) the robust experience of accrediting bodies in the construction domain. It provides a Europe-wide coverage with 7 participating countries, scaled up to 5 clusters, representing a multi-expertise ensemble of stakeholders and energy value chains deploying the INSTRUCT methodology and supporting tools in country-based pilots. It is supported by a network of stakeholders, involving the Build Up Skills chapters across Europe, and a Europe wide community of interest of 200+ members.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 193 375,00
99 301 Kutno

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Makroregion centralny Łódzkie Łódzki
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 193 375,00

Participantes (8)