Joint Research Centre 1992 workschedules
The Joint Research Centre has published annual workschedules for 1992 in the following areas: - JRC Exploratory Research; - Specific Research Programmes (comprising Advanced Materials, Working Environment, Measurement and Testing, Environment, Nuclear Fission Safety, Nuclear Fusion, Institutes Exploratory Research); - Scientific and Technological Support to the Commission's Services (support to the Secretariat-General, the Forward Studies Unit, the Statistical Office, international cooperation, industrial policy, CAP, transport policy, development projects, norms and standards in IT, environmental policy, telecommunications/innovation, energy, customs union, harmonization and standardization). Each of the three workschedules provides a description of individual projects undertaken during 1992, their expected results, a short description of the evolution of the project during 1993, plus the title of the research area, name of the senior JRC scientist responsible, the institute where the project is undertaken and the estimated funding.