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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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ESC opinions: North Sea pollution; the environment

The Economic and Social Committee, at its 298th plenary session (July 1992) adopted, inter alia, the following opinions: - An Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision approving certain amendments to the agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Se...

The Economic and Social Committee, at its 298th plenary session (July 1992) adopted, inter alia, the following opinions: - An Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision approving certain amendments to the agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances, as signed in Bonn on 13 September 1983 (COM (92) 133). The Committee approves this Commission initiative to bring up to date and improve the technical and preventive aspects of the Agreement. - An Opinion on the proposal for a Resolution of the Council of the European Communities on a Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development. The Committee notes that the Commission does not regard the proposed Action Programme on the Environment as a continuation of earlier programmes in overall conception. The latest programme is rather seen as a new departure aimed at providing a comprehensive survey of the Community's environmental objectives and embracing all areas of responsibility, also examining the Community's role in the wider international arena. In general, the Committee approves the thrust of the programme, which offers highly appropriate policy guidelines for the period up to and beyond the year 2000. However, unless the political authorities set priorities at Community and Member State level, it will prove impossible to turn this EC environment programme into reality. The Committee would therefore be pleased if the Council of Ministers made a detailed study of the programme and ensured that its content and implementation were the subject of in-depth consultations between Governments, the European Parliament, the Commission and socio-economic groups.

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