Council: Audiovisual creation and HDTV
The Ministers for Culture of the Member States, meeting within the Council on 12.11.1992 received a report from M. Dondelinger (Member of the Commission, responsible for Audiovisual and Cultural Policy) on developments concerning the proposed Action Plan for the introduction of advanced television services into the Community (COM(92) 154; see also SEC(92) 1085 of 29.9.1992). It was noted that a debate on audiovisual strategy is scheduled for the European Parliament's Session of 16-20 November 1992. This will concern methods to take into account, in an innovative manner, both the cultural and industrial dimensions of European high definition television (HDTV). The Ministers were informed of the progress of the Council's work on the proposal, which has permitted a large measure of agreement to be reached. The text of the proposal, which includes financial measures to encourage the development of equipment and the production of programmes in HDTV format, is to be submitted for a decision by the Ministers of Telecommunications meeting within the Council on 19 November 1992. M. Dondelinger invited Ministers to emphasise to their colleague Ministers for Telecommunications the importance of the cultural aspect of the Action Plan, considering that they will contribute in this manner to a decision bringing the technology of the twenty-first century to European audiovisual creativity