Commission wants to examine trends in innovation initiatives
The European Commission (EC), Directorate-General XIII, has announced an open invitation to tender involving the provision of services relating to European Union (EU) innovation measures and initiatives. The work forms part of the EC programme "Promotion of innovation and encouragement of participation of SMEs". The call particularly relates to the trend chart on innovation policies, research and development services and information services and related services under the EU's Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) for Research, Technological development and Demonstration (RTD). The aim of the project is to analyze and benchmark innovation performance and policies in Europe and to promote concertation and dissemination of good practices. The work is grouped into the following four lots: - Lot 1: Monitoring, recording and analysis of innovation policy measures, initiatives and schemes; - Lot 2: Benchmarking and statistics of innovation policy measures and identification of good practices; - Lot 3: Dissemination of trend-chart results; - Lot 4: Establishment, updating and maintenance of a directory of high-tech start-up companies ("EU start-up"). All the information relating to this call, including the official call text and information packs, is available from the CORDIS FP5 Web service via the following link: URL: This leads to all the information needed to submit a tender, including the following specifications: - Conditions for presentation of the tender; - Technical specifications: - - Flowchart diagram of trend chart project; - - Example of information collection template; - Draft contract; - Notice published in the Official Journal; - General terms and conditions applicable to contract. Tenderers must indicate the names and qualifications of the staff assigned to the work, which will be carried out outside of the Commission's premises. Tenderers can offer their services for one or more of the lots separately. However, the Commission has stated that tenderers entering a contract for lots two or four may not obtain a contract for any other lot. The proposed contracts are for a period of two years, with an opportunity for renewal for a further two years. For further information, please contact: European Commission Directorate-General XIII/D Mr. P. Löwe EURO 2181 L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-4301-38154; Fax +352-4301-34129 E-mail: