ECSC steel research - 1999 call for proposals
The European Commission has recently launched the 1999 call for proposals for technical steel research under the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) steel research guidelines. The objectives of this programme include reducing production costs; improving quality; both sustaining traditional outlets for steel and developing new products and markets; adapting and developing new production processes; and improving recycling capability in order to meet increasingly stringent environmental requirements. Proposals for research projects addressing these objectives may be submitted to the Commission with a view to obtaining EU funding. The ECSC Steel research programme only opens one call for proposals each year. In 1999, the deadline for submissions of proposals has been set at a later date than in previous years - 1 September, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ No C 326 of 24.10.1998). All the information required to submit a proposal under this call, including the official information package and submission forms, may be obtained via: URL: or E-mail: Fax +32-2-2965987