Monthly monitoring report on Ukraine’s progress in the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU in the areas of energy and environment
This publication was prepared with the support of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of NGO “DIXI GROUP”, as well as the “OPORA” civil network, the All-Ukrainian NGO “Energy Association of Ukraine”, the Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment”, and the “European-Ukrainian Energy Agency”, and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. The project “Enhancing impact of civil society in monitoring and policy dialogue on energy and related sectors’ reforms in line with the Association Agreement implementation” aims at strengthening the role of civil society in advocating reforms in the energy and related sectors. The key objectives of the project are: • Monitoring of the implementation of the energy provisions of the Association Agreement, including relevant environmental and trade-related commitments; • Strengthening the civic experts’ and local actors’ capacity to track actual implementation of the reforms; • Facilitation of public dialogue to lead in proper implementation of the European energy and environmental reforms; • Informing stakeholders and the Ukrainian society about the meaning and potential benefits of European reforms in energy and related sectors
Ukraine, Energy, Association Agreement, Energy Community