Stimulating the Information Society in Europe
The European Commission has published a call for applications for grants under the Promise programme, which aims to stimulate the establishment of the Information Society in Europe. Applications for grants may be submitted in two categories. The first of these categories focuses on raising awareness and understanding of the potential impact of the Information Society. Actions could include workshops, seminars, preparation of promotional material, and demonstration and documentation actions in line with the awareness raising objectives of the Promise programme (outlined in Article 2(a) of the Council Decision adopting the Promise programme). The actions to be supported should have clear good returns in terms of their direct impact on raising awareness of the Information Society. They should preferably target new audiences and have appropriate media coverage, or reveal new potentials of the Information Society. The Commission has allocated 300,000 euro for activities in this category. The second category concentrates on optimising the socio-economic benefits of the Information Society in Europe. These actions should fit into the main objectives of the Promise programme and the specific aims of the actions mentioned in Article 2(b) of the Council Decision. Initiatives supported should have clear and convincing objectives to unlock potentials for European added value, in particular by promoting coherence and transparency of the Information Society policies and activities, and the adoption of best practices. The Commission has allocated 400,000 euro for activities in this category. Applications for grants may be submitted by: - Public entities; - Non-profit organisations (private entities); - Commercial organisations, but only for projects with immediate non-commercial objectives and strictly non-profit making. The Commission expects to fund a maximum of 15 grants under this call, and individual grants will not be more than 100,000 euro. Grants will not be allocated to: - Actions already initiated or under way when applications are submitted; - Actions already covered by other Community initiatives; - Actions which are merely implementing a national measure. The Commission will assess applications at least every three months, and will concentrate on the following evaluation criteria: - Quality; - Significant European dimension and Community added value; - Compliance with the overall and specific objectives of the Promise programme; - Evidence of financial viability and cost-effectiveness, on the basis of a detailed, balanced and realistic budget to be presented in accordance with the standard model contained in the information package. The grant cannot be the only source of income for an action The information packs and applications for grants may be requested from: European Commission Directorate-General XIII Information Society: Telecommunications, Markets, Technologies - Innovation and Valorisation of Research ISPO Information Desk Rue de la Loi 200 (BU-24 0/74) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2968800; Fax +32-2-2994180 E-mail: