Small-scale Doppler effect to help cyclists stay safe - PROSPECT towards it next milestone
The past decade has seen significant progress on active pedestrian safety, as a result of advances in video and radar technology. In the intelligent vehicle domain, this has recently culminated in the market introduction of first-generation active pedestrian safety systems, which can perform autonomous emergency braking (AEB-PED) in case of critical traffic situations. PROSPECT will significantly improve the effectiveness of active VRU safety systems compared to those currently on the market. In the article entitled ´Small-scale Doppler effect to help cyclists stay safe´ Andres Aparicio explains the idea of developed a sophisticated radar and car-mounted camera system that can provide advance detection of cyclists and pedestrians at intersections. The PROSPECT systems increase not only the comfort of drivers but as well safety of cyclists and other Vulnerable Road Users. We invite you to read about what we do in the PROSPECT and about our current achievements!
Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), Active Safety, VRU protection system