Five year panel lists available on CORDIS
Following the decision to appoint assessors to analyse the progress of the Fifth Framework programme (FP5), a definitive list has been published. An overall five year assessment panel has been appointed to assess the progress of the Fifth Framework programme in general, as opposed to the other groupings of assessment panels which monitor specific programmes within FP5. The overall panel consists of the following: Mr M Majo, Mr S Barabaschi, Ms J Bell, Mr H Danielmeyer, Mr G Argyropoulos, Ms S McKenna-Lawlor, Ms Thys-Clement, Ms C Ullenius, Mr Y Farge, Mr N Wilhjelm, Mr J Viana Baptista, Mr K Guy. As for the individual programmes, Quality of life has been allocated nine, the User-friendly information society nine, competitive and sustainable growth nine, energy five, environment four, confirming the international role of community research six, the promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation five, Improving human research potential and the socio-economic knowledge base eight, Euratom (fusion) seven and Euratom (fission) five.