Innovation in the newly associated countries
As part of its programme for the promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation, within the Fifth RTD Framework Programme, the European Commission has launched a call for proposals relating to 'innovating regions in Europe network and regional innovation strategy projects in newly associated countries' (NAC). The scope of the call is to: - provide a platform for all European regions which are interested in regional innovation strategies, policies and schemes to exchange experience and get access to good practice; - help regions in NACs to develop regional innovation systems through appropriate partnerships with EEA countries. Approximately 9.25 million euro will be available to finance projects under this call. All the information needed to prepare and submit a proposal under this call is available from the address below. Proposers are also strongly advised to consult the official call text in the Official Journal of the European Communities at the reference below. For further information, please contact: European Commission Innovation Helpdesk DG Enterprise/C.3 Office EUFO 2286 rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2920 Luxembourg Fax. +352-4301-32084 E-mail: URL: URL: