LIBRARIES background studies
The Commission of the European Communities has issued an invitation to tender by open procedure for a series of studies in the context of Area Five (LIBRARIES) of the specific programme of RTD in the field of telematic systems in areas of general interest, 1990-1994. A number of topics have been identified where the Commission intends to carry out background studies in support of specific programme areas: 1. Neural networks and information retrieval: - To ascertain the state-of-the-art of the application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technology to the domain of Information Retrieval (IR) with particular emphasis on bibliographic and catalographic information; - To assess the (potential) quality of ANN-based approaches to IR in comparison with traditional IR practices. 2. Advanced search techniques in online library catalogues and implications on related OSI protocols: - To assess the current research on new technologies aimed at improving on search capabilities on catalogues; - To evaluate the impact on existing standard protocols and their ability to support these new techniques. 3. Library performance indicators and library management models: - To analyse or define management models appropriate to library operations; - To use the model defined as a basis for measurements permitting qualitative and quantitative assessment of performance in libraries. 4. Smartcards in libraries: - This study seeks to identify and assess existing and possible uses of smartcard technology within the context of computer-based library services. The above topics are unrelated and applications may be made for more than one topic. In each case, the contractor should be able to demonstrate relevant expertise. The contract for each study shall start after signature of the contract by both parties and the duration shall vary according to the topic, but shall not exceed 10 months. It is envisaged that contracts shall be awarded before the end of 1993. Information on technical aspects, plus a detailed tender dossier including terms and conditions, may be obtained free of charge from Ms. A. Iljon (Office C5/66) at the given address. Tenders must be submitted to: Commission of the European Communities Directorate General XIII, Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research Directorate E Administrative Unit XIII/E-3 Jean Monnet building (C5/66) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430132923; Fax +352-430133530