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Content archived on 2024-05-27

DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea)

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Supporting environmental research in the Danube region

EU partners have developed a toolbox for use in environmental research in the Danube region, which comprises the Danube Delta and the Black Sea.

The purpose of the DANCERS (Danube macroregion: Capacity building and excellence in river systems (basin, delta and sea)) project was to develop new instruments and tools to support environmental research and encourage innovation in the Danube region. The instruments and tools were based on the work of existing projects and covered different sources of private and public funding at the regional, national and European levels. Researchers first conducted a critical analysis of what has been currently achieved in integrated river, delta and sea management in the Danube region. They then built upon these latest accomplishments to design new solutions to support the transfer of knowledge in this area. To achieve their objective DANCERS brought together scientists, the business community and decision-makers. This helped to increase understanding of the links between the achievements, deliverables and results of the work performed. The project's main outcome was a toolbox of instruments that can be used to develop a strategic research and innovation agenda suitable for Horizon 2020. It will also be used to create a detailed plan of the distribution of research infrastructures required across the Danube/Black Sea area. In addition, an integrated research educational programme (EDU) was developed for all scholars, from infant to postgraduate, which also provides a developmental platform for researchers. Within the EDU there is a dedicated section for training the local and business communities, which is vital for improving the transfer of knowledge from project consortium to end users. DANCERS will offer solutions for river-delta-sea macrosystems and help attract scientists from the Black Sea region involved in similar work, such as for the Kura-Aras River and delta basin, from the Black to the Caspian Sea. The impact of this broader EU-wide participation reflects a major step forward in the way in which EU strategies address the Danube region.


Environmental research, Danube, Black Sea, DANCERS, river systems, macrosystem

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