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Towards Sustainable Zero Carbon Transport through Innovation Procurement

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Novel innovation procurement methods for sustainable urban transport

Cities strive for transport mobility that is sustainable, energy efficient and eco-friendly. An EU initiative brought together public and private stakeholders from European cities to realise sustainable zero-carbon transport systems.

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Innovation procurement can provide answers to a long-term vision for sustainable transport. The public procurement of innovative solutions (PPIs) helps public authorities to achieve more efficient and effective public services and deliver answers to reduce environmental impacts. Moreover, PPIs are socially responsible. To address sustainable transport challenges in urban areas, the EU-funded TRANS-FORM (Towards sustainable zero carbon transport through innovation procurement) project gathered groups of procurers from local governments and the transport industry across Europe. The city councils of Barcelona, Birmingham and Rotterdam implemented PPI pilot projects. They also identified appropriate subjects and implemented outcome-based procurement projects. Each city delivered a case study report to describe their innovation experience in practice. The case studies presented the methodology, approach and lessons learnt. Outcomes fed into a good practice report that draws on the methods used and lessons learnt from the three city projects. It provides useful insight into PPI project implementation by the three cities. The report also makes recommendations to city councils for modifying their procurement processes in order to support and encourage innovation. Project partners developed joint demand statements of common need for future innovative solutions. These are for zero-emission urban deliveries to city authorities, zero-emission public transport in historical cities and zero-emission minibuses for social care transport. Two procurement foresight workshops facilitated exchange between city authorities, transport-intensive companies, the research and innovation community, complementary networks and policymakers. The events helped to overcome information barriers that hinder progress towards sustainable transport and mobility systems for society's future needs. They also encouraged informed collaborative procurement initiatives. Researchers produced two policy reports to create a debate on emerging policy issues and review policy learning from TRANS-FORM. In addition, they produced a research report on policies, strategies and procedures that summarises potential obstacles and possible solutions for green procurement in Barcelona, Rotterdam and Warsaw. By exploring future zero-carbon targets and emerging potential solutions, TRANS-FORM contributed towards more sustainable urban transport mobility.


Innovation procurement, urban transport, zero-carbon transport, innovative solutions, TRANS-FORM

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