Green chemistry research in Estonia
Sustainability or green chemistry is the chemical industry's most important challenge in the 21st century. In Estonia, green chemistry has been identified as a promising source of economic development, but needs long-term strategies at university level to realise this potential. The EU-funded TUTIC-GREEN (Excellent Tallinn University of Technology Research Chair in Green Chemistry and Technology) project aims to create the university structures needed to promote world-class green chemistry research at TTU. This will be achieved through a number of approaches. Most importantly, the project will create a European Research Area (ERA) Chair in Sustainable Chemistry at the University. Other goals include developing a long-term research strategy, improving research management and promoting research at TTU to the wider ERA. Thus far, TUTIC-GREEN has filled the ERA Chair position, and put the structures in place to support the ERA Chair at the University. The project has also established an advisory board at the University to oversee implementation of the TUTIC-GREEN project. Once completed, TUTIC-GREEN will promote Estonian green chemistry in the EU and contribute to improved research outputs from the TTU.
Green chemistry, Estonia, sustainable chemistry, economic development, European Research Area