Psychosocial support in crisis management
Crises can be of varying types and can take place anywhere and at any time. Since they are often not confined by national borders, a European approach is called for. Although acute disaster responses are generally managed in a highly professional manner, more support is needed when it comes to post-immediate psychosocial support in crisis management. An EU-funded project, PSYCRIS (Psycho-social support in crisis management),comprises a consortium of 10 partners. They include research centres, public bodies, small and medium-sized enterprises, and stakeholders from six countries. A multidisciplinary approach is being used, pooling resources from the fields of psychology, education sciences, engineering, sociology, management and health sciences. The project is proposing approaches to prepare, plan and improve psychosocial support in crises and to help people help themselves. Goals are set and include analysis of current psychological and medical support in crises in Europe, improvement of support strategies and enhancing psychosocial preparedness with a particular focus on disaster management. Toolkits that aim to develop competences and communities of practice will be designed. Thus far, case studies, recommendations and contingency planning have been developed based on common practices and actual experiences of end users. A demonstrator for an interactive learning and networking platform is also being developed. Project results will have a significant impact on public health, community resilience, international cooperation and cost efficiency and help people saving lives.
Crisis management, disaster, psychosocial support, community resilience, public health, preparedness