Euroabstracts December 1993
"Euroabstracts" is published each month by DG XIII of the Commission of the European Communities. It provides abstracts of Community RTD publications plus reviews of Community RTD results, policies and activities. The focus in the December 1993 issue is on Community RTD in the field of biotechnology. European biotechnology programmes have achieved a series of world firsts in this scientific area, through new forms of collaboration which cut across national boundaries and academic disciplines. An article entitled "Bringing European Science Parks Together" describes SPRINT initiatives encouraging networking between science parks in the Community, plus a SPRINT training programme for science park managers. The new edition of Euroabstracts also includes over 40 pages of abstracts of recent research, scientific and technological Community publications covering a wide range of subjects from life sciences and earth sciences to chemistry, engineering and technology, energy, advanced materials, computing, telecommunications, nuclear science, and physics. In addition, Euroabstracts now features extracts from the CORDIS online RTD-News service.