Language engineering collaborative projects
The European Commission will publish on 15 March 1994 a call for proposals for collaborative projects preparing the ground for future research and technology development (RTD) projects in the area of language engineering. The call will take place in the context of Area 6, Linguistic Research and Engineering (LRE), of the specific programme of RTD in the field of telematics systems in areas of general interest (1990-1994). Consortia of organizations eligible to participate are invited to submit proposals on the topics covered by the work programme. These will be addressed, in general, by shared-cost projects in the following areas: - Area 1: Preparatory phases of collaborative projects aiming to develop advanced demonstrators in application domains where language engineering technologies and components can significantly increase the usability, improve the functionality and broaden the scope of ICT products and services. - Area 2: Preparatory phases of collaborative projects aiming to establish the organizational and technical conditions for the setting up of a shared Community infrastructure comprising networked collections and repositories of language data and the corresponding exploitation tools. - Area 3: Preparatory phases of collaborative projects aiming to foster the definition, promotion and application of widely accepted standards, with a view to ensuring a higher degree of system interoperability and data portability across industrial and RTD language processing systems. The call will be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The work programme, describing in detail the areas covered by this call, is available from: European Commission DG XIII-E JMO building (Office B4-002) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430132886; Fax +352-430134999