Trans-European energy networks: Proposal to create a favourable context for their development
A Commission proposal of 8 February 1994 lays down the action to be taken to create a more favourable technical, administrative, legal and financial context for completion of the projects of common interest in connection with trans-European energy networks. The proposed Council Decision (COM(93) 685 of 8.2.1994) includes action to be taken at the EU level to promote: - Technical cooperation projects between the operators responsible for the management, monitoring and control of the networks; - Cooperation between Member States with a view to simplifying and accelerating authorization procedures for projects on these networks; - The definition of a common approach for technical aspects applicable to trans-European energy networks. In addition, EU financial support may be provided for projects of common interest financed by the Member States. This may include support for feasibility studies, for the implementation stage of the projects (aid may be provided in the form of interest-rate subsidies or loan guarantees), and support for studies and projects to improve technical cooperation between operators.