Commission Decision on the creation of a European Science and Technology Assembly
A Commission Decision of 16 March 1994, establishing a European Science and Technology Assembly, has recently been published in the Official Journal. This consultative body shall help the Commission to prepare, implement and monitor Community policy in research and technological development, comprising: - Community measures complementary to measures undertaken in the Member States; - The implementation of research, technological development and demonstration programmes; - Promotion of cooperation with third countries and international organizations; - Dissemination and optimization of results; - Stimulation of the training and mobility of researchers; - Coordination of Community and Member States' activities; - Research and training programmes. The Assembly shall consist of a maximum of 100 members, who shall be high level persons in European organizations representing the exact and natural sciences, technology and industry, and also economics, social sciences and humanities to the extent that they are affected by Community research. They shall be appointed by the Commission in a personal capacity.