Integration of transport aspects into eco-audits
The European Commission, DG XI, has published a call for tender for the completion of a study entitled "Development and presentation of guidelines and an analytical framework for the assessment and improvement of product transport intensities by companies in eco-audits". The general aims of the study are to: - Document and analyse existing company schemes for the assessment and improvement, with a view to the environment, of transport operations required to produce, distribute and possibly reuse/recycle one unit of a specific product and its packaging ("product transport intensity"); - Develop and validate best-practice guidelines for voluntary use by manufacturers, and especially small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), for the assessment of product transport intensities; - Develop and validate a best-practice analytical framework which can be used by manufacturers to explore ways to improve product transport intensities with a view to the environment; - Present these guidelines in an analytical framework in a readily accessible form for dissemination. For further information and documentation please contact: European Commission Mr. J. J. Groenendaal DG XI/3 Finance and Contracts 200 rue de la Loi (BU-5 3/170) B-1049 Brussels