Call for proposals for the specific programme for industrial and materials technologies (BRITE/EURAM III)
The European Commission, DG XII, has published its first call for proposals for the specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of industrial and materials technologies (1994-1998) (Areas 1, 2 & 3): Following the Decision by Parliament and the Council adopting the Fourth Framework Programme of European Community activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration (OJ No L 126 of 18.5.1994) and the Council Decision on the specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of industrial and materials technologies (OJ No L 222 of 26.8.1994) the Commission of the European Communities is inviting proposals for research and technological development (RTD) projects, thematic networks and exploratory awards and cooperative research. In conformity with Article 5.1 of the Decision on the specific programme, a work programme has been drawn up setting out the detailed objectives and types of projects to be undertaken, and the financial arrangements to be made for them. Consortia of organizations eligible to participate in the programme (universities, research centres and industries, including SMEs) are invited to submit proposals for the areas and topics covered by the work programme set out below. The research areas and topics will be addressed, in general, in shared-cost RTD projects, in conformity with the rules for implementation set out in Annex III of the Decision on the specific programme. The Community's contribution to shared-cost RTD projects will normally not exceed 50% of the total costs, with progressively lower participation the nearer the project is to the market place. Those universities and other institutions which do not have analytical budget accountancy will be reimbursed on the basis of 100% of the additional costs. As a general rule, projects should involve at least two non-affiliated industrial firms from different Member States or from one Member State and one Associated State. RTD project proposals for industrial and basic research must arrive at the Commission by 15 March 1995 at 12.00. The Community's contribution to thematic networks will normally not exceed ECU 20,000, on average per partner and per year, covering up to 100% of the additional costs for the coordination of the action, and the implementation of the activities. The thematic networks are subject to a call continuously open from the date of this call up to 17 December 1997 at 12.00. Technology stimulation actions to encourage and facilitate participation of industrial SMEs (CRAFT): an award will be granted which will cover up to 75% of the cost of the exploratory phase, without exceeding ECU 45,000 or ECU 22,500 in the exceptional case of a single applicant SME; Community funding for cooperative research projects, involving at least four non-affiliated SMEs from at least two different Member States or from one Member State and one associated State, will normally cover 50% of the costs of the research. Proposals for exploratory awards or cooperative research projects are subject to a continuously open call and can be submitted from the date of this call up to the final dates specified hereafter: - Proposals for an exploratory award, with a view to submitting at stage 2 a complete proposal for an RTD project (industrial research): 12 June 1996 at 12.00; - Proposals for an exploratory award, with a view to submitting at stage 2 a cooperative research project: 11 June 1997 at 12.00; - Proposals for a cooperative research project (stage 2): 17 December 1997 at 12.00. Information given to the Community relating to proposal application or the contract will be treated in confidence. Detailed information about procedures for the submission of proposals (information package) and the contract that will be established with successful proposers are available on request from the Commission's services. Descriptions of work undertaken in earlier and related programmes are also available on request. The outline work programme for this call for proposals is as follows: - Area 1: Production technologies: 1.1. Incorporation of new technologies into production systems; 1.2. Development of clean production technologies; 1.3. Rational management of raw materials; 1.4. Safety and reliability of production systems; 1.5. Human and organizational factors within production systems; - Area 2: Materials and technologies for product innovation: 2.1. Material engineering; 2.2. New methodologies for product design and manufacture; 2.3. Reliability and quality of materials and products; 2.4. Technologies for recovering products at the end of their lifecycle; - Area 3: Technologies for transport means: Area 3A: Aeronautics technologies: 3A.1. Aircraft design and systems integration; 3A.2. Aircraft production; 3A.3. Technologies to improve aircraft efficiency; 3A.4. Environmental technologies; 3A.5. Technologies for aircraft safety; 3A.6. Technologies for aircraft operation; Area 3B: Technologies for surface transport means: 3B.1. Vehicle design and systems integration; 3B.2. Vehicle production; 3B.3. Technologies to improve vehicle efficiency; 3B.4. Environmental technologies; 3B.5. Technologies for vehicle safety; 3B.6. Technologies for vehicle operation. All correspondence concerning this call should be sent to: - RTD projects and thematic networks proposals: European Commission DG XII/C 200 rue de la Loi (MO75) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2952345; Fax +32-2-2958046; Telex COMEU B 21877 - CRAFT proposals (exploratory awards and cooperative research projects): European Commission DG XII/C 200 rue de la Loi (MO75) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2955290; Fax +32-2-2994635; Telex COMEU B 21877