Call for proposals for the specific programme for non-nuclear energy
The European Commission, DG XII, has published the first call for proposal for the specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of non-nuclear energy (1994-1998) (JOULE-THERMIE): Following the Decision by Parliament and Council adopting the Fourth Framework Programme of European Community activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration (1994 to 1998) (Decision 1110/94/EC of 26.4.1994 OJ No L 126 of 18.5.1994) and the Council Decision on the specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of non-nuclear energy, the Commission of the European Communities is inviting proposals for research, development, demonstration and other related activities. In conformity with Article 5.1 of the Decision on the specific programme, a work programme has been drawn up setting out the detailed objectives and types of projects to be undertaken, and the financial arrangements to be made for them. Consortia of organizations eligible to participate in the programme are invited to submit proposals for those areas and topics which are summarized below and specified in the information package mentioned in paragraph 5. The research and demonstration areas and topics will be addressed, for the most part, in shared-cost projects, in conformity with the rules for implementation set out in Annex III of the Decision on the specific programme. 2. The Community's contribution to shared-cost R&D projects (see areas 2, 3, 4 of paragraph 6 below) will not normally exceed 50% of the total eligible costs. For demonstration projects, the maximum contribution will be 40%. Community participation will become progressively lower the nearer the project is to the market place. As a general rule, projects should involve at least two legal entities from different Member States or from at least one Member State and one Associated State. Project proposals for research and/or demonstration must arrive at the Commission, at one of the addresses given below, by 12.00 on 24 March 1995. 3. The Community will also contribute to strategy development and implementation, to energy technology dissemination (see areas 1 and 5 of paragraph 6 and paragraph 7), to concerted actions and concertation networks and to preparatory, accompanying and supporting activities for the areas of the programme both for R&D and demonstration. Community support will generally cover 50-100% of the costs. Proposals related to area 1 (R&D component only) must also arrive at the Commission by 12.00 on 24 March 1995, but all other activities are subject to a call continuously open from the date of this call up to 12.00 on 17 December 1997. 4. Technology stimulation actions will also be available to encourage and facilitate participation of industrial SMEs by, inter alia: (a) Meeting part of the cost of the exploratory phase of a collaborative action or cooperative research, or of studies aimed at the adaptation of newly developed technologies into novel situations, or of training relating to the adoption of new technologies; (b) Supporting cooperative research actions involving at least four non-affiliated SMEs. Proposals are invited for these actions. They will be subject to a continuously open call and can be submitted from the date of this call up to 12.00 on 17 December 1997 except in the case of proposals for an exploratory award aimed at submission of a subsequent project proposal, when the deadline will be 12.00 on 15 September 1995 for a shared-cost R&D action, 12.00 on 13 September 1996 for a demonstration action and 12.00 on 11 June 1997 for a cooperative research action. 5. Information given to the Community relating to a proposal application or the contract will be treated in confidence. Detailed information about procedures for the submission of proposals (information package, technical annexes and application forms) as well as the contract that will be established with successful proposers is available on request from the Commission's services. The information package offers guidance to proposers as to the differences between R&D and demonstration. However, it is stressed that no proposal will be rejected solely because it was submitted under the wrong category. 6. The areas covered by this call for proposals are as follows: Area 1: Energy research, development, demonstration and dissemination strategy(Community support will generally cover between 50% and 100% of total costs): 1.1. Global analysis for energy RTD policy options; 1.2. Socio-economic research for energy; 1.3. Energy modelling; 1.4. Energy-environment-economic forum; 1.5. Synergies between energy programmes; 1.6. Promotion of energy technologies. Area 2: Rational use of energy: 2.1. Rational use of energy in buildings; 2.2. Rational use of energy in industry; 2.3. Energy industry and fuel cells; 2.4. Rational use of energy in transport. Area 3: Renewable energies: 3.1. Integration of renewable energies; 3.2. Solar photovoltaic; 3.3. Renewable energies in buildings; 3.4. Wind energy; 3.5. Energy from biomass and waste; 3.6. Hydroelectric plants; 3.7. Geothermal energy; 3.8. Energy storage and further options. Area 4: Fossil fuels: 4.1. Clean technologies for solid fuels; 4.2. Generic combustion; 4.3. New fuels in transport; 4.4. Hydrocarbons. Area 5: Dissemination of energy technologies, including: - Activities associated with market stimulation; - Advice for technology implementation; - Advice and support for adequate use of financial instruments; - Recourse to organizations for the promotion of energy technologies. The particular topics for which proposals are sought are defined in the information package. 7. These activities will be complemented by a series of preparatory, accompanying and support measures for: - Strategy development; - Management of R&D and demonstration projects; - Dissemination activities; - Cooperation with international organizations (such as IEA, UNESCO, UN, NGOs, etc.); - Specific activities relevant to SMEs. The Community contribution will not normally exceed 50% of the total eligible costs for an R&D project, or 40% for demonstration. All proposals, or correspondence concerning this call, should be sent to: - R&D proposals: European Commission DG XII/F 75 rue Montoyer B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2955840/2960687; Fax +32-2-2950656/2964288; Telex COMEU B 21877 - Demonstration proposals: European Commission DG XVII/D 226 Ave. de Tervuren B-1150 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2957485; Fax +32-2-2950577; Telex COMEU B 21877