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Contenu archivé le 2022-11-17

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IDATE '94 conference proceedings: The new frontier in telecommunications, information technology and audiovisual media

An international conference on telecommunications, information technology and audiovisual media, "IDATE '94: The new frontier", was held in Montpellier on 16-18 November 1994. It was supported by the Community's FAST programme for forecasting and assessment in science and tech...

An international conference on telecommunications, information technology and audiovisual media, "IDATE '94: The new frontier", was held in Montpellier on 16-18 November 1994. It was supported by the Community's FAST programme for forecasting and assessment in science and technology. The proceedings for the conference are now available. They contain the principal papers presented at the conference, arranged around three main themes: - "Times are changing"; - Visions for the future; - Regional focus. Subjects examined include the information society, vertical integration with telecommunications, the cordless subscriber loop, cable telephony and networks, Internet shopping networks, and privatization.