Call for proposals for Nuclear fission, safety and radiation protection
The European Commission has published a call for proposals for Nuclear fission, safety and radiation protection. The document is part of the latest set of calls published under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The call aims to bring the various initiatives emerging today in the field of nuclear fission, safety and radiation protection to the level of managerial, legal and financial maturity required in order to implement them. It includes preparatory phase (PP) which targets optimal coordination, cross-border operation and possible integration of national research actions of pan-European interest. The European Commission will be acting as a facilitator for the duration of these activities. The funded activities include geological disposal, safety of nuclear installations, advanced nuclear systems, radiation protection, support to infrastructures, training of research workers and cross-cutting actions.To see the official call announcement, please consult: Participant Portal To see partnership requests for this call, please consult: CORDIS Partners Service