DG XII publishes second issue of "RTD Magazine"
The Commission, DG XII, has published the second issue of "RTD Magazine". This quarterly, colour-illustrated publication, launched in June 1994, contains varied and accessible information on Community activities in the field of research and development, including the Community's specific RTD programmes, related events and initiatives, and major developments in EU research policy. The second issue contains reports on two initiatives launched in 1993 in the field of relations between science, culture and society: The European Week for Scientific Culture, which took place on 21-25 November 1994 and comprised a number of events aimed at bringing science and technology closer to the general public, and the European Science and Technology Forum. This involved a series of conferences and studies on the cultural, societal, ethical and historical aspects of science and technology in Europe. In addition, the issue includes an article on the European Science and Technology Assembly, the new advisory and consultative body set up by the Commission to establish links with the European scientific community and industrial research. Forthcoming issues of "RTD Magazine" will report on the results and achievements of the Community's different RTD programmes. "RTD Magazine" is published in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.