Information Technology European Awards '95
The Information Technology European Awards (ITEA) scheme, launched by the Commission and the Council of Applied Sciences (Euro-CASE) in June 1994, is still open to those wising to participate in ITEA '95. A new brochure on ITEA '95, including an application form and information sheet, has now been produced by Euro-CASE. Funded by the ESPRIT programme (DG III), the objectives of the ITEAs are to promote standards of excellence in European information technology (IT) performance and to stimulate innovation and competitiveness in industry. The theme for ITEA '95 is "Novel products with a high IT content and evident market potential". Three prizes of ECU 200,000 each and 20 prizes of ECU 5,000 each will be awarded. The ITEA Awards Ceremony will take place during the European Information Technology Conference (EITC '95) in Brussels on 28 November 1995. The ITEAs are open to any organization (e.g. enterprise, laboratory, university, institution) active in the field of information technology and based in the European Economic Area.