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Content archived on 2023-04-13

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The European research project INCASI (International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities) holds its fourth Workshop in Europe

The coordinating institutions of the project met together with the beneficiary universities of Europe and Latin America in Valencia (Spain), on July 1 and 2 to advance in the fourth phase of the project.

Pedro López Roldán coordinator of the network belonging to the Institute of Labor Studies (IET) and Sandra Fachelli, Task manager and researcher of the Research Group on Education and Labor (GRET) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, met last 1 and 2 July in Valencia (Spain) with the Principal European Responsible Researchers of the University of Barcelona, University of Seville, University of Coruña, University of La Laguna, Middlesex University, Tampereen Yliopisto, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università della Calabria and the Toulouse Jean Jaurès University as beneficiaries of the INCASI project; as well as with the Principal Investigators of the Latin American Universities: Eduardo Chávez Molina from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Agustín Salvia from the Universidad Católica Argentina, Leticia Muñiz Terra from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Patricia Scarponetti from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Marcelo Boado from the Universidad de la República, Gabriela Rubilar from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Paulina Benítez from the Universidad de Concepción, Emmanuelle Barozet from the Universidad de Chile, Graziela Perosa from the Universidade da Sao Paulo and Patricio Solís from the El Colegio de México, to carry out the fourth Workshop in Europe in order to advance in the last Work Package of the project. In the two-day meeting, issues related to the Secondments of researchers planned for the fourth phase of the project were addressed, details of the INCASI Working Paper Series (IWPS), and scientific production were discussed. Also the bases for the sustainability of the network, the design of the future research project and the design of the INCASI International Master. In this phase of the project, based on the contribution of the different groups of the INCASI network, the aim is to agree and define a common research perspective in accordance with the proposed AMOSIT analysis model, as well as planify the sustainability of the Network in the future. In order to join forces in the scientific area and make visible the research advances, the INCASI project participated in the Federación Española de Sociología (FES) Congress that was held in Valencia on July 3-6, 2019. Sandra Fachelli coordinated the Research Committee GT43 "ISA Research Committee 55: Social Indicators" and Pedro López-Roldán coordinated the Research Committee GT42 "Comparative Sociology between Europe and Latin America". Those work groups received more than forty communications each. The fourth phase of the project will end with the last Global Meeting to be held between 20 and 23rd of November 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, with the Principal Responsible Researchers of all the European universities, beneficiaries and partners of the INCASI project. The INCASI network is part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Commission, in the Excellent Sciences section. Particularly, it is part of the pillar that aims to promote the transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). It is about creating strategic alliances between recognized research centers. The project is identified with Grant Agreement No. 691004 and has a financing of 2.3 million euros Specifically, it is based on international academic cooperation, between Europe and Latin America, through the exchange of Research and Innovation Staff (RISE) of the 20 universities that make up the network.