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FIAS fellowship programme - Call for applications 2021/2022

The French Institutes for Advanced Study (FIAS) Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the four Institutes of Paris, Lyon, Montpellier and Marseille. It welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists primarily in the fields of the social sciences and the humanities (SSH).

For the 2021-2022 academic year, FIAS offers 31 fellowship positions: 17 in Paris, 5 in Lyon, 6 in Marseille and 3 in Montpellier. The call is open to all disciplines in the SSH and all research fields. Research projects from other sciences that propose a transversal dialogue with SSH are also eligible. Some of the four IAS have scientific priorities they will focus on more specifically. The Fellows will benefit from the support and conducive scientific environment offered by the IAS, in an interdisciplinary cohort of fellows and in close relation to the local research potential. The fellows will be free to organize their work and conduct research as they wish. CONDITIONS All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (min. NET 2,700€ per month), social security coverage, accommodation, a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses. ELIGIBILITY FIAS awards fellowships to outstanding researchers of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists. The minimum requirement is a PhD + 2 years of research experience at the time of the application. Exception will be made for scholars with a Master + 6 years of full-time research experience after the degree (PhD training will not be considered in the calculation of experience). Researchers from all countries are eligible to the Programme but they have to have spent no more than 12 months in France during the three years prior to the application deadline. APPLICATION Applications are submitted online via where you will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria, and selection procedure. The call is open from July 2020 to September 15th, 2020, 3 PM GMT. Late applications will not be considered. SELECTION The scientific selection is competitive, merit-based and conducted through an international independent peer review. • Application deadline: September 15, 2020, 3:00 pm (Paris, France time) • September-November 2020: Double peer review • November 2020: Preselection by the FIAS Selection Committee (communication of preselection results) • January 2021: Selection by the four IAS and communication of results For more information on the Programme, please consult our website: For more detailed information on the IAS specific environment and scientific priorities, please visit the chosen IAS page:


fellowship, ssh, IAS, institutes for advanced study, France