Call for proposals for Strand II of LEONARDO DA VINCI
The European Commission, DG XXII, has published a general call for proposals for the 15 Member States of the European Union (EU) and the EFTA participating countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) relating to the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme. The call concerns Community measures in Strand II (Support for the improvement of vocational training measures, including university/industry cooperation, concerning undertakings and workers) of the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme (Council Decision 94/819/EC of 6.12.1994 OJ No L 340/94). The Commission will ensure that an information policy is adopted, so that objective information about the possibilities of setting up all kinds of projects is disseminated as widely as possible with the intention of providing maximum openness in the selection process, guaranteeing complete access to all promoters, and ensuring that this information will reach those interested. The "Vademecum" and "Guide for Promoters" describe the conditions of eligibility and the criteria to be applied, as well as the principles governing the granting of Community assistance. They can be obtained on request in each Community language from the National Coordination Units for LEONARDO DA VINCI (see RTD-News RCN 4246) in each participating country or from the Technical Assistance Office established to assist the Commission in the implementation of the programme. For information about the content and the presentation of proposals, promoters must consult the "Vademecum" and "Guide for Promoters" where they will find general information and advice to help them provide all the necessary information so that the Commission can judge the quality and value of their proposal submissions in the context of the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme. In view of the limited resources available for LEONARDO DA VINCI in 1995, particular attention will be paid to the quality of the projects during selection. Therefore, potential promoters are asked to respect and comply strictly with the eligibility criteria set out in the "Vademecum" and the "Guide for Promoters", as well as the priorities outlined below. In the LEONARDO DA VINCI Decision of 1994, the Council established a certain number of general priorities concerning the Community measures which serve as a reference for all proposals presented under Strand II of LEONARDO DA VINCI. In line with the conclusions of the European Council of December 1994 at Essen and in order to strengthen the contribution of vocational training to the competitiveness of enterprises, a balanced growth of the economies, and especially the promotion of employment, promoters are invited to present for 1995 proposals for transnational pilot projects and transnational placement and exchange programmes responding to the following priorities for Strand II of LEONARDO DA VINCI: (a) The acquisition of the qualifications and skills required for adaptation to industrial change, including their transparency, through the strengthening of cooperation between training organizations, universities and enterprises in the context of new forms of apprenticeship and on-and-off-the-job training; (b) The development of training plans connected with the introduction of new systems of production and work organization in the context of industrial change and the transfer of technological innovations, particularly to SMEs and industries facing strong global competition. Particular attention will be given to approaches which seek to recognize the competence and experience of workers, in particular for those whose qualifications are inadequate or insufficient, and to approaches in the field of vocational guidance; (c) The setting up of training partnerships involving regional and local agencies to support activities to anticipate needs and to develop the supply of quality training to reinforce social and economic cohesion in the regions and localities concerned; (d) Support for the implementation of significant agreements on training and qualifications between the social partners, and the dissemination of innovative practice in contractual policy at national, interprofessional, sectoral or in-company levels, on the themes identified in the joint opinions or the support system set up in the context of the social dialogue; (e) The development of highly qualified human resources, with particular regard to emerging technologies, and the promotion of equality of access in training to skills and the technology culture in the information society, especially through the use of multimedia and distance training. In the context of these priorities, particular attention should be given to the creation, production and use of innovative, high-quality training software. To obtain a copy of the "Vademecum" and "Guide for Promoters", please contact the LEONARDO DA VINCI National Coordination Units in your country (see RTD-News RCN 4246). Proposals for Strand II must be sent to: LEONARDO DA VINCI Technical Assistance Office 9 Avenue de l'Astronomie B-1039 Brussels A copy of each proposal should be sent to the National Coordination Unit for the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme in the relevant Member State or participating EFTA/EEA country (see RTD-News RCN 4246).