Master of Finance webinar series-discover all the financial issues of Research and Innovation projects.
Apply for the full series or register only for the Day(s) of your interest! *Day1 (9 February 2021): Essentials of the Financial Rules in H2020 and Horizon Europe The event starts by introducing the essentials of the financial rules of H2020 and Horizon Europe: planning, calculating, reporting, reviewing. Meet all the financial rules of the Horizon 2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreement. *Day2 (10 February 2021): Personnel Cost calculation in H2020 and Horizon Europe The second part of the Series goes into details on the Personnel Cost calculation in H2020 and Horizon Europe, by discussing the following topics: -Who and when can be charged to the project? -Actual or unit-based personnel costs calculation – so what? -Identifying eligible salary costs -Calculation routes – monthly or yearly? -Daily rate calculation in HEU? -Productive hours – should I accept 1720? -Freelancers and temporary employees -Secondment – what is the added value? -What makes a timesheet bulletproof? -Project-based remuneration schemes in HEU? *Day3 (11 February 2021): Third-parties, Subcontrators and other direct costs in H2020 and Horizon Europe Helps you to discover the difference between third-parties and subcontractors, introducing the concept of the Linked Third Parties, and reveals one-by-one the other direct cost reporting protocols. More information and registration available at: