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Contenido archivado el 2024-03-25

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The TALE project wins the 4th edition of the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact.

BiodivERsA and FACCE-JPI are very happy to announce the release of an animated video presenting the results of the TALE research project.

TALE was funded under the 2013-14 joint call for research proposals on “Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services”. Following the three laureates of the previous editions (URBES, BUFFER, INVAXEN), TALE has been awarded the opportunity to contribute to the production of an animated video featuring their work and the results of their research. The project investigated the potential conflicts and possible synergies between agricultural services and biodiversity through the development of land use scenarios and optimisation models. The prize acknowledges the excellent, pioneering research performed in TALE. The BiodivERsA Prize is awarded on a yearly basis to showcase the achievements of BiodivERsA-funded projects that have produced excellent science with concrete impacts for policy and/or society. The Belgian Biodiversity Platform led the production of this video, along with the TALE project researchers, BiodivERsA, FACCE-JPI, and the motion design studio Squarefish. BiodivERsA Prize videos: TALE video: INVAXEN video: BUFFER video: URBES video: More information: BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact: BiodivERsA: FACCE-JPI: The Belgian Biodiversity Platform: Squarefish company: