Opinion polls on perception of Intrastat system
The European Commission has published a call for tender for the provision of market research and public opinion polling services. With the completion of the single market on 1 January 1993, the discontinuation of customs formalities has led to the implementation of a data-collection system based on goods exchanges between companies in different Member States (Intrastat). In order to improve information on the perception of the Intrastat system, Eurostat wishes to award a contract for the organization of two opinion surveys aimed, on the one hand, at the companies which supply statistical statements and, on the other hand, at data users. The contract is divided into two lots. The first lot concerns the organization of an opinion survey among parties responsible for providing statistical information to Intrastat. Interviews for this survey will be carried out by either: - the selected company for the following countries: . Belgium; . Germany; . Spain; . France; . Ireland; . Luxembourg; . The Netherlands; . Portugal; . United Kingdom; - National statistical institutes for Denmark, Greece and Italy. In the case of the latter, the project will need to be coordinated by the selected company so as to result in just one presentation of the results. The second lot concerns the organization of opinion polls among users of statistical information coming from Intrastat. Interviews will be carried out by either: - The selected company for the following countries: . Belgium; . Spain; . France; . Ireland; . The Netherlands; . Portugal; . United Kingdom; - National statistical institutes for Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy and Luxembourg. The same proviso applies as for Lot 1. Requests for tender documentation should be sent to: European Commission Statistical Office - Eurostat Mr Wolff Unit C4: External and intra-Community trade Jean Monnet Building (BP 1503) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-4301-33660; Fax +352-4301-34339 Completed tenders should be sent to the same address.