Council adopts Community energy efficiency programme (SAVE)
Council Decision 91/565/EEC of 29 October 1991 provides for the support of a series of energy efficiency actions within the context of a programme entitled SAVE (Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency). Initially proposed by the Commission at the end of 1990 (COM(90) 365, OJ C 301 of 30.11.1990) the programme is adopted for a period of five years, from 1 January 1991 to 31 December 1995, with an estimated budgetary appropriation of ECU 35 million, of which ECU 14 million are for the period 1991-1992. Actions supported shall include: (a) technical evaluations for assessing data needed for defining technical standards or specifications; (b) measures to support the Member States' initiatives for extending or creating infrastructures concerned with energy efficiency (training and information, sectoral pilot projects); (c) measures to foster the creation of an information network aiding coordination between national, Community and international activities via information exchange and evaluation of the impact of measures; (d) measures to implement the programme for improving the efficiency of electricity use adopted by Decision 89/364/EEC. An illustrative list of sectoral pilot projects is annexed.