Third call for proposals under BIOTECH II programme
The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for research and technological development actions under the specific RTD programme in the field of biotechnology (BIOTECH II) (1994-1998). The RTD activities included in the call cover the following areas of the work programme: - I. Objectives requiring concentrated means: - A. Shared-cost actions resulting from preparatory awards in view of the participation of SMEs, and shared-cost demonstration projects: Area 1: Cell factories Area 2: Genome analysis Area 3: Plant and animal biotechnology Area 4: Cell communication in neurosciences - B. Shared-cost actions: Area 2: Genome analysis 2.2. Function search 2.3. In silico (computer-based) comparative analysis Area 3: Plant and animal biotechnology 3.1. Plant molecular and cellular biology 3.2. Animal physiopathology 3.2.3. Somatic gene therapy - II. Objectives addressed by concertation: - A. Shared-cost actions resulting from preparatory awards in view of the participation of SMEs, and shared-cost demonstration projects: Area 5: Immunology and transdisease vaccinology Area 6: Structural biology Area 7: Prenormative research, biodiversity and social acceptance Area 8: Infrastructures - B. Concerted actions preferably, and shared-cost RTD projects: Area 5: Immunology and transdisease vaccinology 5.1. Immunology and immunotechnology Area 6: Structural biology 6.1. Structure-function relationships 6.2. Interface of structural biology with electronics Area 7: Prenormative research, biodiversity and social acceptance 7.1. Prenormative research: in vitro alternatives to animal experiments in pharmaco-toxicology 7.3. Prenormative research: biotechnology for the environment Area 8: Infrastructures, in particular 8.3. Assessment of infrastructures - III. Objectives treated by means of horizontal activities: . Demonstration activities: shared-cost actions (demonstration projects related to the eight above-specified areas); . Biotechnology and society: ethical, social and legal aspects, by means of preparatory, accompanying and support measures (scientific studies), concerted actions and, where appropriate, shared-cost RTD projects; . Biotechnology and society: public perception; . Socio-economic impacts: by means of preparatory, accompanying and support measures (scientific studies), in particular: potential impact of new products and processes, problems and opportunities related to SMEs, the role of public sector policies and actions: assembly of information concerning national biotechnology RTD programmes. In the context of the application of specific selection criteria as listed in the BIOTECH II work programme, the two following items of the proposed work will be examined with great care: - The plan for the exploitation of research results, supported by a credible partnership that is clearly committed to the proposal, through provisions on exploitation rights, and in view of an industrial development and/or a service in the public interest; - Ethical statement relating to social, economic and ecological impact. The work programme, the file containing detailed information concerning the procedure to follow for the submission of proposals and a copy of the model contract that will be established in respect of selected proposals is available on request from the Commission. The description of work undertaken in previous and related programmes will also be provided on request. All correspondence, as well as proposals for RTD activities, should be addressed to: European Commission DG XII - Science, research and development Directorate E-1 Office for proposals in the field of biotechnology 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2962229; Fax +32-2-2991860 Telex: COMEU B 21877 E-mail: