YOUTH FOR EUROPE programme: Youth-related research
The European Commission, DG XXII, has published a call for proposals for youth-related research projects, to be implemented under the YOUTH FOR EUROPE programme. This programme, now in its third phase, runs for five years (1995-1999), with a budget of ECU 24,376,800 for the second year. The programme is open to all the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This call is for projects under Action E of the programme, which comprises two guidelines: youth information (Action E.I) and youth-related research (Action E.II). Action E.II of the programme aims to promote cooperation between Member States, in order to provide information and gain knowledge regarding the situation of young people in the European Union. It attempts to draw a clearer overall picture of the needs of young Europeans and of the conditions in which they live, laying a basis for the development of a youth-oriented policy of cooperation. Both governmental and non-governmental structures/organizations working at a local, regional, national or European level are invited to put forward a team of experienced researchers originating from at least three Member States. The Commission will favour projects analysing results obtained from current information so as to define new strategies which can be applied to the policy for youth in the EU. Projects must also comprise a consistent scientific approach, using appropriate methods, and thereby developing multidisciplinary cooperation. They will make use of existing statistical information, or information to be collated, in relation to the aims of the study in question. Each project must draw up a plan for the distribution and exchange of information, mainly with governmental and non-governmental structures dealing with youth-related issues, concerning the results of work undertaken. The studies carried out for this action must, as far as possible, take account of the results of existing studies and, in particular, highlight the socio-cultural impact on the process of European integration. Finally, these studies must also analyse, as far as possible, the impact of other policies on youth-related issues. The Commission will give priority to projects covering the following topics: - Analysis of the impact of YOUTH FOR EUROPE programmes, for example in terms of mobility, European citizenship, the fight against racism, the development of new follow-up and evaluation instruments, the complementarity with the other actions carried out at national level; - Analysis of the impact of projects concerning the marginalization and the exclusion of young people in the EU and analysis of projects in terms of new strategies to be developed for the promotion of solidarity between nations; - Statistical studies and quantitative analyses, improving comparisons between all of the participating countries, with regard to the integration of young people into working life (for example in terms of living conditions, conditions of access to employment, learning and training abilities, young people's attitudes towards work, leisure activities, their place and their role in tomorrow's society, etc.); - Development of new and viable strategies in the field of voluntary service. Purely national studies carried out at national level are excluded, but the extension of national studies to European level, concerning topics of marked interest, may be taken into consideration. The Commission will also give priority to studies which take account of ideas and interests expressed by young people themselves and which involve the participation of young people and organizations in the preparation, application and completion of these studies. The Commission will favourably consider activities aimed at easing communication and developing appropriate means of cooperation between the centres/institutes for research and documentation concerning young people, and between youth-policy decision makers, professional bodies and researchers in Europe. In order to support the aims of the programme in relation to exclusion, the Commission will pay particular attention to projects dealing essentially with the situation of young people in the more deprived areas of the European Union and on themes such as the political and social participation of young people, the fight against anti-democratic and nationalist attitudes, racism and xenophobia. The Commission will also give priority to projects actively promoting equality of opportunity between young men and young women in the EU. The Commission will encourage teams/research centres to cooperate with a view to improving the effectiveness or to broadening the scope of certain studies. In principle, financial aid awarded by the Commission for these projects may not exceed 50% of the total costs of the projects or ECU 50,000. Any exception to this rule must be justified by a highly significant project contribution, based on a particular knowledge of the issues at stake. The duration of the projects may span a maximum of three years. In this case, financing will be awarded on an annual basis, subject to candidates submitting an annual report on the activity carried out and the results obtained during the previous year. An intermediary report must be submitted by 1 July 1997. Requests for subsidies must include concise and detailed information in order to facilitate a proper evaluation of the project. Particular attention will be paid to theme presentation, to scientific aspects, to the proposed methodology, to the general and specific aims of the study, to its relevance for the partners involved, and to the development of a youth-oriented policy of cooperation. An application form for requesting subsidies is available. The request must be addressed by fax or in writing to: European Commission DG XXII - Education, training and youth Directorate C2 - YOUTH FOR EUROPE programme Action E.II 200 rue de la Loi (B-7 7/31) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2991657; Fax +32-2-2994158 The completed application form and project proposals must be sent to the same address.