Community eco-label award scheme
An amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning a Community award scheme for an eco-label (COM(91) 544 of 12 December 1991) intends to promote products which are environmentally less harmful, and have an overall environmental impact significantly less than other products in their group, via the award of a Community eco-label. The award scheme is to be based on voluntary application. Work in connection with the preparation of environmental labels, and the criteria for the award of such labels to products, goods, technologies, services and programmes which preserve natural resources is to be undertaken by the European Environmental Agency. The eco-label will be awarded for minimization of the use of natural resources and energy resources, minimization of use of raw materials, reduction of emissions into air, water and to soil, reduction of the generation of waste and noise, and for the use of clean, low-risk sustainable technologies to ensure a high level of environmental protection and to prevent destruction of the ecosystem. Manufacturers or importers shall apply for award of the label to the competent body in the Member State in which the product is manufactured or into which the product is imported.