European computer bulletin board system on education and training
The Commission's Task Force for Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth (TFHR) invites expressions of interest (to be followed by a restricted invitation to tender) for the creation of a European system of computer bulletin boards on education and training. The system is to be made available to the general public in all nine Community languages and, more specifically, to administrators of education and training institutes at all levels, to teaching staff and researchers, students and young people in general, public bodies and undertakings involved in education and training, managers and participants in Community training programmes (such as COMETT, ERASMUS, LINGUA, TEMPUS and PETRA), and to the NARIC centres (National Academic Recognition and Information Centres) in the Member States. The system should be flexible enough to allow for the creation of new bulletin boards by voluntary organizing operators in any EC country. Users should be able to consult a list of available bulletin boards, register freely (electronically) with those of interest to them, read and input messages, load software or a database for other users, download software and/or files, initiate and participate in conferences. The tenderer selected will be granted a subsidy not exceeding 50% of the total cost of setting up and managing the system for a three-year period, with the obligation to keep it operational for at least five years after the starting date.Expressions of interest are to be delivered by post or by hand to: Commission of the European Communities Task Force for Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth Attn: Mr. R. Charters d'Azevedo Unit 3, Education and training for technological change 200 rue de la Loi (J/37, 4/20) B-1049 Brussels