Telematics Applications for Health
The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a brochure outlining the activities supported by the health sector of the Telematics Applications programme. The health sector of the Telematics Applications programme aims to develop digital multimedia networking technologies to improve healthcare, while respecting the security and confidentiality of patients. Currently some 70 projects are underway, with Community support, in the sector. These projects can be grouped into eight areas: - Telematics assisted cooperative work for healthcare professionals; - Information for citizens and health sector professionals; - Telediagnosis, teleconsultation and emergency medicine; - Multimedia patients records; - Departmental systems and advanced imaging; - Integration platforms, continuity of care, regional networks; - Research and industry; - Cohesion, dissemination and exploitation of results, education. In addition to these groups there are also projects in the health sector, concerned solely with the deployment of new technologies, which are supported by other programmes including the trans-European telecommunications networks and the G7 global healthcare initiative.