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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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"INFOGUIDE": A published guide to sources of information on European Community research

The Commission's Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge Unit, DG XIII/C-3, has published a comprehensive guide to sources of information on European Community research. "INFOGUIDE" aims to show how information on EC research and its results can be located. It does...

The Commission's Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge Unit, DG XIII/C-3, has published a comprehensive guide to sources of information on European Community research. "INFOGUIDE" aims to show how information on EC research and its results can be located. It does this by identifying key publications to be used as starting points for in-depth research. It also lists and describes the newsletters issued by many of the programmes. Details of how to obtain publications and subscribe to the newsletters are included. Community databases and other information services in the area of science and technology are covered, again with explanation of methods of access. Sections of INFOGUIDE deal with each aspect of Community RTD activity: Industry and technology; information technologies and telecommunications; non-nuclear energy; nuclear energy; physical and exact sciences; biological sciences; agricultural and marine resources and products; measurements and standards; protecting man; protecting the environment; social and economic activities; RTD horizontal activities. In addition, a useful index of Community programmes plus an index of titles (newsletters, journals, help desks, databases, Community offices, video presentations, publications) are provided. Brief descriptions of research activities, found throughout the guide, refer to the second Framework programme (1987-1991) or to earlier programmes, reflecting the fact that the second Framework programme is well into the phase of generating results. Readers wishing to follow the progress of the third Framework programme (1990-1994) will be able to do so through a number of the newsletters and database services, providing continually updated information, listed in the guide. The INFOGUIDE has been compiled under the European Community's VALUE programme for the dissemination and utilization of scientific and technical information, and makes use of the CORDIS system of Subject Index Codes (SIC) and Programme Acronyms (PGA). It is available at the price (excluding VAT) of ECU 10.

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