Expert position - Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal services
The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a call for tenders (open procedure) for one expert position in the area of "Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal services". Directorate-General XIII foresees a requirement for temporary technical assistance in DG XIII, Directorate A (Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal services). The place of work shall be the Commission's premises in Brussels. The contract is proposed for an initial period of one year (220 working days). At the Commission's discretion this period may be extended twice up to a maximum of three years (660 working days). Requests for tender specifications should be sent to: European Commission DG XIII - Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research DG XIII/1 200 rue de la Loi (BU24 4/46) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2968361 Completed tenders should be addressed to: European Commission DG XIII - Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research DG XIII/1 200 rue de la Loi (BU24 4/69) B-1049 Brussels