EUROTIRA - European group for telematics in rural areas
EUROTIRA, the European Group of Telematics in Rural Areas, has been founded by four European regions (Central Macedonia (Greece), North-West England (UK), Piedmont (Italy) and Saxony (Germany)) with the aim of supporting the integration of rural areas into the Information Society. Rural areas are disadvantaged areas in many regions, in particular with regard to the wide range of information and communications services being developed within the context of the Information Society. It is essential to find ways to keep rural areas in line with modern developments in communication and information technologies and the Information Society so as to avoid a potential division between the "information-haves" and the "information-have-nots". EUROTIRA was created as a result of the IRISI Rural Areas Working Group. Its principal objectives are: - To alleviate the disadvantages of rural areas; - To support and help people living in rural areas to cope with these changes; - To help build understanding, awareness and the necessary skills in Europe's rural areas; - To bring people in rural areas into the position of being the "information-haves" of the Information Society. EUROTIRA welcomes any rural region which shares their concerns regarding rural areas and the Information Society and which wishes to strengthen the holistic development of rural areas through new technologies and applications.