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Content archived on 2024-05-27

The european molecular biology linked original resources (TEMBLOR)

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Global database for molecular consortium

With the advent of multidisciplinary research dedicated to molecular interaction, the need has arisen for a single, broad and uniformly accessed knowledge base. The integration of molecular, genomic and polemic databases was the goal of the TEMBLOR project.

A consortium of major public interaction data providers has gathered together to develop a single data source for the field of molecular interaction. Seeing how similar projects benefited other research projects such as those dedicated to protein and DNA sequences, IMEx formed to provide a similar service. The consortium is comprised of members that are specialists in a number of fields including molecular interaction, software development and instrumentation. Together, they aimed to construct a database that would provide universal curation potential along with various forms of membership categories. These membership types are determined by the extent of commitment from a member. For example, a member registered as an archival member is committed to producing a relevant number of documents. Along side this, they also commit to importing the data according to IMEx standards and make the information globally accessible. It was intended that the TEMBLOR project would result in the construction of a database that would directly contribute to and complement the different strengths of various European groups. The database provides various forms of search functionality, including text-based, structure and sequence-based searches against a gene-centric view of all genomes. Moreover, submitted documentation may also be utilised over a "work-sharing" mode, making it possible for various contributors to work simultaneously on the same text. To encourage the use of submissions, the IMEx consortium has a Creative Commons Attribution License. This allows for public use of all records in their partner's databases (BIND, DIP, MPACT(MIPS), MINT and IntAct) so long as accreditation is cited. Currently, a number of interests have membership and the consortium is strongly encouraging the acquisition of more partners.

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