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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Trans-national Activities

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Improved service for NMP NCP Network

An EU funded project has been established across Europe to boost participation in nanotechnology research.

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The Nanoscience, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies theme (NMP) of the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) will improve Europe's competitiveness and help turn it into a knowledge based economy. Organisations and companies seeking help in participating in FP7 can obtain guidance and practical information from the National contact point (NCP) network. The objective of the NMP Team project is to improve NMP NCP service throughout Europe through closer collaboration and standardisation of knowledge and quality of service provided. The result is simpler access to FP7 calls, lower entry barriers to newcomers and a raising of the quality of submitted proposals. NMP Team has used the network's website, the partners search system and other communication materials to raise awareness of the network campaigns at both the national and European level. Links were formed with large European technology platforms, network skills were standardised and a service charter was created for clients. An operational manual is being created for NMP NCP network staff from countries underperforming in the programme. The staff will also be the recipients of targeted training, twinning schemes and exchanges of personnel in order to boost participation in the programme. Improved service by the NMP NCP network through Europe wide initiatives will help increase involvement by high-tech businesses and other organisations with the NCP theme of the FP7. The resulting advances in nanoscience and related technologies will make a significant contribution to increasing the EU's knowledge base and competitiveness.

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